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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a home evaluation cost?

All of our home inspections are complimentary and straightforward. Once you schedule an appointment, an estimator will visit your home to conduct a thorough assessment, detailing the inside and outside and noting all stress points. The entire evaluation process averages 30 minutes to one hour.

How can I ensure the repair plan is correct for my home?

We provide third-party professional engineering reports from before and after repairs to confirm and certify the quality of our work on your home.

How long do repairs take?

Our average repair jobs take one to two days. The time frame for larger projects may be longer.

Will my outdoor landscaping be damaged during the repair process?

We ensure minimal damage will come to your landscaping. However, bushes and flowers may need to be replanted. We will do everything possible to ensure plant survival and discuss relocation options with you before we begin working.

How will foundation repairs affect my plumbing?

As slab foundations settle, they can compromise the plumbing pipes beneath your house. When we repair your foundation, they may need repairs to put them back in place. To ensure your plumbing remains intact, we always recommend working with a certified Master Plumber to conduct tests before and after the repair work.

Will fixing my home’s foundation close cracks or possibly open new ones?

The goal of home foundation repairs is to return your home to its original horizontal position as best as possible while limiting damage to your home. So, it’s possible to close and open cracks during the repair process. The stair-step cracks between exterior bricks, called brick cracks, typically close up when we repair the foundation. This is no guarantee, as each home is different, and other factors that have more to do with the home’s construction may prevent the cracks from closing. You may also see some new small drywall or brick veneer cracks once your foundation is repaired.

Should I wait long before repairing sheetrock cracks following my foundation repair?

Waiting to repair sheetrock cracks will depend on how much your house was lifted. The slab shouldn’t move after it has been lifted, but the walls may need time to adjust to their new position. Our general rule of thumb is to wait 4-6 weeks after we complete our foundation repairs before you conduct your own.

Can I sell my house after repairs are complete?

Absolutely! Every method we use to conduct repairs is HUD, FHA, and VA approved. When you are ready to sell your home, you must disclose the foundation repairs we have done and show your buyers the third-party professional engineering reports and warranty certificate. Your real estate professional can assist you with this process.

We Are Here to Fix Your Home…Not Just Sell a Job!