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Reliable Plumbing Solutions for the DFW Metroplex

Plumbing problems can disrupt your daily life, so addressing issues promptly is essential. NTX Foundation Repair in the DFW Metroplex offers high-quality plumbing solutions to homeowners, especially those living in homes ten years and older. From sewer to freshwater lines, our experienced team ensures your plumbing system functions efficiently and reliably. We aim to fix your home and provide you with peace of mind so you can focus on what truly matters. Trust us to deliver the honest and engaging service you deserve for your plumbing needs.

sewer pipes

Comprehensive Sewer and Water Line Services

Replacing sewer and freshwater lines is crucial for maintaining your home’s plumbing system. We offer expert services, including installing new clean-outs to enhance the flow of your lines and easier access for maintenance. We partner with Payne Plumbing to provide any additional plumbing needs. Their well-equipped trucks service Rockwall and the entire Dallas-Fort Worth area, ensuring prompt attention to your home’s plumbing needs. We work together to ensure your home’s plumbing operates seamlessly.

sewer line

Affordable Plumbing Line Replacement Options

We provide affordable sewer line replacement services starting at $245 per foot. This comprehensive approach includes the installation of piers approximately every ten feet during the backfilling process. Each pier enhances the support of your home’s slab, addressing structural concerns effectively. Achieving the original soil compression density is difficult, making our method crucial for lasting foundation stability. Our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring your plumbing remains reliable while providing financially sensible and structurally sound solutions. Count on us for transparent pricing and quality services for all your plumbing repair needs. Please note our prices are subject to change without notice.

Experienced Help for All Your Plumbing Needs

Your home’s plumbing deserves the best care. Reach out today for expert assistance and plumbing replacement needs. Our dedicated Rockwall, TX team is ready to tackle any issue, from routine maintenance to urgent repairs. We prioritize your home’s functionality and your peace of mind. Embrace reliable plumbing solutions tailored to your home. Don’t let minor issues become significant problems. Contact NTX Foundation Repair to schedule your home assessment.

We Are Here to Fix Your Home…Not Just Sell a Job!