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Repairing Foundations With Pier & Beams in the DFW Metroplex

When it comes to maintaining the integrity of your home, foundation issues can’t be ignored. Pier and beam foundation repair in the DFW Metroplex is a highly effective solution to stabilize foundations in homes ten years and older. These repairs are powered by NTX Foundation Repair using advanced methods to ensure your home stands strong. Our team focuses on providing durable support tailored to your home’s needs. When you partner with our experienced and professional team, you are committed to protecting your investment with a reliable and proven solution.

Pier & Beam Foundation Repair

What Is a Pier & Beam Foundation?

Pier and beam foundations consist of treated lumber elevated on piers or blocks to create a crawl space under a house. These designs allow for proper ventilation and easy access to plumbing and electrical systems. When built correctly, a pier and beam foundation maintains a safe clearance from the ground, promoting stability and reducing moisture exposure. Homeowners benefit from improved airflow, potentially leading to healthier living conditions and enhanced longevity of the home.

Pier & Beam Foundation Repair

How Are These Foundations Repaired?

Repairing pier and beam foundations takes careful planning and construction techniques to ensure your home’s stability and longevity. The largest pieces of lumber, the beams, run parallel to the length of the home, typically spaced up to 12 feet apart based on the structure’s weight. Perpendicular to the beams are joists, generally placed 18 inches apart. A subfloor of at least ½ inch plywood sits on the joists, supporting the flooring. This elevated wooden structure is securely supported by a combination of concrete grade beams, drilled concrete piers, sonotubes or blocks, creating a robust foundation for your home to sit on.

Secure Your Home’s Foundation Today

Ensuring your foundation is solid and stable is crucial for the safety and value of your home. NTX Foundation Repair invites you to schedule a comprehensive assessment to identify potential foundation issues. Our experienced team is ready to provide you with the best solution for your home. We take pride in our work and offer a one-year warranty on all understructure services, including re-set and shim, concrete pads, and wood replacement. Don’t wait until you have a significant foundational concern. Contact us today and safeguard your investment for years to come.  

We Are Here to Fix Your Home…Not Just Sell a Job!