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Experienced Slab Foundation Repairs in the DFW Metroplex

Slab foundation issues can compromise the safety and stability of your home. NTX Foundation Repair offers professional slab foundation repair services tailored for homeowners in houses ten years and older. Our experienced team prioritizes effective solutions to protect your home’s value and maintain your comfort. We address your foundation needs without unnecessary upselling. Trust us to restore your home’s integrity with honest assessments and reliable services to ensure your property stays safe and structurally sound for years to come.

cracked foundation wall

Concrete Pressed Piling for Effective Repairs

Concrete pressed piling is a primary method for slab foundation repair. This technique efficiently addresses the challenges of the expansive clay soils commonly found in the DFW Metroplex. With prices starting as low as $285 per pier, homeowners benefit from an affordable solution. Most foundation repairs can be completed in a single day, minimizing disruption and allowing any plants that require relocation to thrive post-installation. Please note that prices are subject to change without notice.

Installing Concrete Pressed Pilings to Slab Foundations

Installing concrete pressed pilings is a precise and methodical process to ensure long-lasting stability and strength in your slab foundation. Our meticulous approach ensures your foundation has a solid base that can withstand various environmental conditions and provide reliable support for your whole home. Here’s how our process works:


A two-foot square hole is dug by hand, reaching a depth of four to five feet, to access the necessary support beneath the grade beam.

Placing Concrete Cylinders

A pre-formed concrete cylinder is placed at the hole’s bottom, directly underneath the grade beam, to provide a strong base for lifting.

Hydraulic Press

A 40-ton hydraulic ram is positioned between the grade beam and the cylinder, pressing the cylinder into the ground until it reaches its maximum depth.

Capping and Lifting

Each piling receives a concrete cap, and then the house is carefully lifted using 20-ton bottle jacks to restore it close to its original position.


The hole is backfilled to ensure the area is stable and secure following the installation.

Protect Your Home With a Lifetime Warranty

Investing in your home’s stability is essential, and NTX Foundation Repair offers peace of mind with a lifetime transferrable warranty on all pressed concrete pilings. We aim to permanently stabilize any settling of the foundation where we install each pier, ensuring your property stays strong and secure for years to come. Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive home assessment and take the first step toward safeguarding your home’s foundation. Let us help you maintain the integrity of your property.

We Are Here to Fix Your Home…Not Just Sell a Job!